Being gay doesn’t define my entire life, but it sure influences some things. A part of my story, not the only story.

Kyle’s message:
While your identity does not form my definition or assumption of the support that you need, I like to explicitly mention that my passion and drive as a therapist is to connect with folks like myself who, at times, may struggle with LGBTQ+ experiences and concerns, or who may feel the need to discuss with someone who holds a truth within this area of conversation. It is not the only conversation, but can be a part of it.

We can sit with you in person or via online therapy to explore various concerns including, but not limited to:

  • Sex & Sexuality

  • Identity Formation

  • Gender Dysphoria

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Gender Fluidity

  • Transitioning

  • Love and Intimacy

  • Internalized Homophobia / Transphobia

  • Shame and Guilt

  • Family / Relational Conflict

  • Trauma

  • Coming-out

  • Conditional Outness

  • Systemic and Societal Oppression

  • Discrimination

  • Bullying & Hate Crime

  • Open, monogamous, non-monogamous relationships

  • Anxiety, Depression

  • Self-Compassion & Self-Esteem

  • Understanding Identity

My hope is to bring more awareness, progression, and advocacy to the field of therapy by creating more affirming and supportive services. While I am aware that no environment may feel completely safe, I aim to provide a ‘safer’ space to explore identity, discuss concerns, and share our authentic selves. Together we can empower voices and recognize value.

Combined with lived experience as a Queer identified man, I also participate in additional training and professional development. I completed a week long Intensive Sex Training Therapy Program at the University of Guelph, conducted two major research projects highlighting queer issues, recently sat in on a training through Sick Kids for working with gender diverse children and youth, and more.

I acknowledge and remain aware that my experiences do not speak for, or represent, your experiences. I feel confident that they can however support my abilities to join with you in your story, sit with you in your pain and confusion, and to celebrate successes both big and small.

I do not, and cannot, entirely understand the lived experience of my clients. I cannot fully understand the lived experience of someone who shares a similar identity to me. I do not have the same lived experiences as trans folks, nor of a cis gendered female who identifies as bisexual. My role is not to fully understand, but to listen and hear you, and live in that moment with you. My role is to gain clarity and understanding with you and support you towards your goals of therapy.

I have joined with multiple clients through various life stages and explorations (including those areas listed above). I believe that being invited to witness your story is a privilege that needs to be honoured and respected. I also believe that therapy should be a place to feel heard, understood, and supported - not a place that you need to educate, or filter. As your therapist, I commit to my role in supporting you to the best of my ability. Should we feel stuck, we explore this together. I am transparent with my skills and abilities, and take on the responsibility to educate myself when I am lacking knowledge so that I can support your needs.

Therapy is a collaboration — a positive relationship with your therapist supports the effectiveness of the therapeutic process. If you, or we, decide that I am not the best fit for your needs, I will do my best to support you in finding another therapist. You do not need to do this alone.


Kyle Karalash

Kyle Karalash

In preparation for FAMILY PRIDE in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.


I am so excited and honoured to share that on June 26, 2019 I was granted the opportunity to join with incredible colleagues to coordinate the very first Family Pride Event through a mental health agency in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

Family Pride Sault Ste Marie

I hope to bring upon change through educating, honouring, and representing.